Step by step

Here is the dough for the pizza

If you are going to make not only the Verona-style pizza but also the famous Altamura bread, the black bread of Castelvetrano or the bread of Lentini, you should on no account, for a flawless result, neglect to use natural yeast. In the specific case of Veronese pan-pizza, my advice is this: never roll out the dough with a rolling pin, but instead use your fingers to spread the dough gently, so as not to let the air escape from the dough.
In ancient times, there were bakers in every town making and reproducing natural yeasts and starter doughs for housewives and homemakers. Today, however, things have changed, and now there has been a rediscovery of this so-called natural yeast, which has replaced the use of brewer’s yeast. As a result, not only bakers, but also many passionate home bakers, are making and reproducing this natural yeast.