
salted clementines

Clementines are citrus fruits also known under the name of mandarins, considering how they are the result of the hybrid union between mandarins and oranges: the most famous clementines originate from Puglia, particularly from the Taranto area, and alternatively they are also found in Calabria. The origin of clementines is to be found in none other than the African country of Algeria, where, around 1940, Clément Rodier accidentally carried out a hybridization experiment between the two different types of citrus fruits. According to others, however, the origin of clementines is to be found in Asian countries such as China or, secondarily, Japan.

Use in cooking

Salted clementines can be used mainly as an ingredient to accompany dishes based on olives and chillies, or even stews.


To prevent salted clementines from spoiling, it is best to store the jar of them in a cool, dark and dry environment.


The most sought after and appreciated varieties of clementines at a national level are certainly those originating from Calabria and Taranto.

Recipe list