

Cereals have always been considered among the most important ingredients of a healthy and balanced diet, precisely because of their generally low blood sugar content, as is particularly the case with barley, which is particularly sought after for its detoxifying and refreshing properties. . Barley, in addition to being able to be used to prepare soups or salads, is also a fundamental ingredient for obtaining the famous barley coffee, which is preferred by all those who - for one reason or another - do not they want to drink the traditional one, which is rich in caffeine.

Use in cooking

Barley has its role especially for preparing soups, or even for soups, salads or even for obtaining special risottos.


The barley must be kept inside a sealed container, which in turn must be placed in a humidity-free, cool and above all dry environment.


Barley is particularly sought after especially for the nutrition of the elderly and children, in whom the same cereal helps to mineralize the bones.

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