
cous cous

There are specialties of North African cuisine that manage to conquer the whole world with their particular and pleasant taste and, one of these, is certainly couscous: these grains obtained from semolina, which are then steamed, enrich meat, fish or vegetable dishes. In the past, couscous had been considered a so-called peace dish, since it was prepared and eaten - even with one's guests, in certain regions - starting from a single dish, especially during stops in the desert, in the hours of evening, eating it using three fingers, because this is the tradition indicated by the Koran.

Use in cooking

Depending on the various regional cuisines and the various interpretations given of it, couscous can be used to enrich fish, vegetable or even meat-based second courses.


Couscous can be stored in a cool, dry place, as long as it is in its original packaging.


According to an ancient Sicilian tradition, people who eat couscous are usually advised not to accompany it with water, as it would swell in the stomach.

Recipe list