

Cereals are very important in the daily human diet and, in particular, spelled is highly appreciated: the particularity of the latter is to be found mainly in the absence of gluten proteins, or even, in the its almost total absence of fats - and in particular cholesterol - to which must be added the incredible richness, on the other hand, of fibers and vitamins. Spelled is mainly used in recipes where it is necessary to obtain slightly more rustic doughs, as it is perfect in soups and rice-based first courses.

Use in cooking

There are many uses for spelled in the kitchen: the latter, in fact, can be used to prepare soups, soups, bread, polenta and even desserts of various types.


Like any type of cereal, spelled can only be stored in its original packaging, tightly closed, and stored in a cool, dark and dry place.


Spelled, whose name derives from the Latin term far - originally flour - is a cereal known since Ancient Rome, from which polenta and bread were prepared.

Recipe list