
grated lemon zest

Grated lemon peel is a typical specialty of those Mediterranean regions where citrus fruits grow luxuriantly, such as, for example, in those of Southern Italy: among various examples, lemon peels are used to obtain fine liqueurs and tasty such as the classic and timeless limoncello. But lemon peel is also ideal for savoring many desserts in the best possible way, such as cream or margherita cake: generally, the same is obtained by eliminating all the thicker, white peel from this part of the lemon. maintaining instead only the yellow surface.

Use in cooking

Grated lemon zest can be used mainly as an ingredient to make delicate cakes, or alternatively, biscuits, fish-based second courses and liqueurs.


It is possible to preserve the grated lemon peel by mixing it with sugar: it should then be placed in a tightly closed jar, to be kept in the refrigerator or cellar.


Even in the case of citrus fruits, the part richest in vitamins and nutrients is represented by the zest, as with lemon for example.

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