

Pistachios come from the Middle East, and more precisely, from the areas of Persia: even in the present, these are grown in Iran, where tasty fruits come from. Distinguished by a woody drupe, pistachios are seeds whose color is light green, surrounded by a light skin whose color varies between dark purple and brown, depending on the level of ripeness of the fruit. The peculiarity of this fruit is to be found in the fact that it reaches maturity only over a two-year period, with the result that a quantity of fruit is not always obtained such that prices can remain stable.

Use in cooking

Even if their main use is as an aperitif, or in any case as a dried fruit to be savored on its own, pistachios can also be used to create a pesto and a crust, both very tasty.


Pistachios should be stored in a cool, dry and ventilated place.


The arrival of the pistachio in Italy is essentially due to the conquest of Sicily by the Arabs, who defeated the Byzantines, importing this plant.

Recipe list