

As the name itself suggests, rigatoni is a short pasta on which streaks are engraved along the entire length: this characteristic differentiates them from macaroni and, at the same time, makes them more appetizing in the preparation of first courses in which important sauces are present . Rigatoni are not only appreciated for preparing traditional pasta dishes, but are also sought after for preparing some regional variations of baked pasta, especially in those recipes in which short pasta shapes are usually preferred. According to some historians, the origin of rigatoni is found particularly in the Campania region.

Use in cooking

Rigatoni find a place in the kitchen for the preparation of pasta dishes, with a large number of condiments: they are also used to cook pasta in the oven.


It is advisable to store rigatoni in a tightly closed package, placing the package in a cool, dry and dark place.


Rigatoni are very similar to macaroni: unlike the latter, however, rigatoni are characterized by the presence of a series of lines.

Recipe list