
nori seaweed

Among the most famous seaweeds in the world, one that stands out above all is certainly nori seaweed, a very important resource for Japanese cuisine which in fact allows you to produce a very famous and appreciated specialty such as sushi without too much difficulty. Nori seaweed belongs to the Porphyra genus, and there are seven different varieties of it, of which the red one is responsible for the main production of sushi seaweed. The consumption of this seaweed dates back to a very ancient era, considering how already during the Sung dynasty, it was cultivated and used in the culinary field, considering how it has a pleasant taste, which especially attracts the attention of the little ones

Use in cooking

In cooking, nori seaweed is mainly used in Asian countries, especially Japan, to prepare a world-famous dish, namely sushi.


Nori seaweed is generally sold dried, since in this form it can be stored for at least two weeks in a cool, dry environment.


Among the seaweeds that are regularly sold and consumed as foods, nori are certainly the most popular, also due to the fact that they are used for sushi.

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