
wholemeal couscous

Cous cous is a specialty whose origins are to be found in none other than the Arab world, including countries such as Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco, which also include nations that are part of the Middle East, although even in Sicily couscous is regularly consumed in many parts of the regional territory. In principle, couscous can be cooked by choosing boiling, as well as cooking using steam: the variant of couscous that is prepared in Sicily is very curious and tasty, where it accompanies no less what a shellfish soup.

Use in cooking

It is possible to use wholemeal couscous in several second course recipes: in particular, those based on vegetables, secondarily on fish and then on meat, are enriched with couscous.


An aspect to be taken care of carefully when preserving couscous is the choice of place to store it: it must be absolutely free of humidity.


The traditional hospitality of the Arabs is well summed up in the preparation of couscous, which is considered a dish to bring people together on convivial occasions.

Recipe list