

Apples are among the healthiest fruits that nature can offer us, particularly in terms of fiber content: the latter, in fact, are very well concentrated in this fruit. There are many different varieties on sale, most of which are recognizable through their colour, depending on the case, red, yellow or even green, also remembering that each one differs in its flavor and aroma, which can be more or less sweet or sour. "Fresh" apples are available from autumn until towards the end of December: in other periods, they ripen in a controlled atmosphere.

Use in cooking

Among the most consumed fruits, apples are perfect to eat as a snack, as they are also suitable for the preparation of many desserts.


Apples can be stored in the fridge for a period of more than a month, or they can be kept for a month in a cool, dark and dry place.


Apple is an important source of fibre, sugars, some mineral salts and also vitamin C, perfect for lowering cholesterol and preventing cancer.

Recipe list