Red cabbage with apples

Winter offers us tasty and hearty vegetables which help us to stock up on vitamins and to face the winter in the best shape possible. Today I happened upon a fabulous red cabbage. I wanted to cook it in a simple but tasty way, and was inspired by a recipe from Austria. Take an apple, a few cloves, brown sugar and discover with me this dish inspired by the cuisine of the South Tyrol region, perfect for accompanying a main course of roast pork ... What could be better than eating this winter dish, knowing that in addition to it being delicious it is healthy, cabbage being a vegetable rich in essential nutrients? To make this exceptionally tasty recipe you need do no more than what is described in the text and photo-gallery - it will be a breeze!


60 minutes Total time
45 minutes Active time
Serves 4 persons
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Peel the apple and cut it into cubes. Peel and slice the onion. Cut the cabbage into strips. Melt the butter in an earthenware pot, then add the onion until it’s softened. Then add the diced apple and the clove. Stir and leave it till the apple starts to soften. After a few minutes, add the cabbage and sugar. Let the sugar dissolve. Stir, add salt, pepper and vinegar. Cover, reduce the heat and simmer for 45 minutes. If necessary, add a ladle of water. It will be ready when the cabbage is soft. Serve hot.

When you buy a cabbage, make sure that it is compact and has fresh, bright, firm leaves of a good strong colour. Store it in a plastic bag in the least cold part of the fridge for a few days.
Cabbages have restorative properties, they are anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-neuralgic. Eating them frequently helps to improve disease resistance. The only contra-indication is for those who suffer from thyroid disorders. In addition, it may be useful for those who suffer from acne: take a leaf, remove the main rib and crush it with a rolling pin until liquid appears on its surface, then apply this to your face.

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