

Camembert is a Normandy cheese well known throughout the world, above all, due to its strong taste and its particularly intense aroma, with a maturation period lasting approximately between a month and a half and two months. Produced from raw cow's milk, the temperature of which must not exceed 37 degrees, it owes its characteristic crust to the presence of Penicillium camemberti, where essentially a water-based solution with these bacteria is spread. To enjoy the best camembert, it is necessary to wait for the period between the months of April and August.

Use in cooking

Camembert is a particularly versatile cheese, which can be enjoyed both on its own and in recipes in which it is often fried or melted in the oven.


Camembert must be stored in the refrigerator, wrapping it in breathable greaseproof paper, where it can be kept for a couple of days.


The invention of Camembert cheese, according to some historians, dates back to the period of the French Revolution, in particular, thanks to the peasant Marie Harel.

Recipe list