

There are quite a few oriental spices that have conquered the world with their strong and pleasant flavor and, among the latter, one of the most famous is certainly cardamom, an Indian spice which - in the typical cuisine of this country - has a very important role in the preparation of first and second courses, but equally, also of pleasant desserts full of flavor and aroma. The three main varieties of cardamom are those from Malabar, Ceylon and the one originating from Indochina, which does not differ much from the first mentioned. Cardamom is generally extracted from the pods, from which the seeds are obtained which, in turn, are then ground.

Use in cooking

Cardamom is one of the most used spices in oriental cuisines, where, in particular, it finds space between first and second courses, although cardamom is also ideal for preparing different types of desserts.


Like any spice, cardamom should also be stored in a tightly closed jar, which in turn should be stored in a cool, dry and humidity-free place.


In the oriental tradition and, more precisely, in countries such as India and Pakistan, cardamom plays a mediating role between human beings and divine entities.

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