
coconut milk

Coconut milk is characterized by the total absence of lactose: produced from the pulp of the coconut, which is subjected to pressure with water, this milk is particularly caloric, also due to the fact that it is rich of fats. Coconut milk, however, is also particularly appreciated for its antioxidant properties, thanks in particular to the fact that it contains a significant quantity of selenium: in addition to its use in cooking, coconut milk is also sought after in the cosmetic field , where it is used to hydrate and tone the skin, reducing the incidence of wrinkles and, finally, also the damage caused by sun rays.

Use in cooking

Coconut milk can be used in many recipes, especially in the presence of curry, and in particular is suitable for cooking second courses based on meat, fish and vegetables.


To store coconut milk correctly, it is necessary to keep it inside an airtight jar, then placing it in the refrigerator.


Coconut milk can be obtained from the pulp of the walnut: it must be soaked in water, after which it must be squeezed adequately.

Recipe list