

Coconuts grow on the plants of the same name originating from tropical regions, with a greater diffusion of these plants especially in the countries of south-eastern Asia, and develop approximately two weeks after flowering, and then mature over a period of about six months. Of this sought-after fruit, the edible part is represented by the white pulp, as is the liquid contained within them. The coconut, especially in India, is considered a sacred fruit and, for this reason, is offered in temples, and is particularly auspicious for women who would like to become pregnant.

Use in cooking

Coconut can be used both as a dessert to eat on its own and as an ingredient to prepare particularly tasty desserts and first courses.


You can keep the coconut at room temperature for a month when it is intact: if it is actually opened, it should be kept for a couple of days in the fridge covered in water.


In India, according to the archaic rituals of some tribes, to carry out the purification of the faithful it is necessary to break a coconut on the head.

Recipe list