Indonesian salad

Today our chef has decided to embark on a long journey to Asia, with the aim of delighting us with this Indonesian salad that has all the kick of an exotic dish, is tempting beyond endurance, and, above all, gives you an irresistible urge to travel by sea. Hurry to get some lovely coconut, fresh prawns, amazing lamb’s lettuce, fresh bean sprouts, cucumber, a few leaves of fresh mint (if you have some in your garden all the better!), and onions. Don’t forget the sambal sauce, which on other occasions we have already learned to make, and, after finishing your shopping, follow our chef’s instructions and there will be nothing left to do but resist the temptation to immediately start eating this Indonesian salad - fresh, exotic, tasty and even a bit of an aphrodisiac!


30 minutes Total time
Serves 2 persons
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Cut the coconut in half. Remove the pulp from one of the halves (if you want to serve the salad in the other half). Peel the prawns and let them boil in lightly salted water. Cut the cucumber into large dice, keeping the peel. Cut the onion into thin slices. Cut some of the coconut into small cubes and some should be grated. Chop up some fresh mint. Combine in a small bowl the lamb’s lettuce (or setwall), coconut, bean sprouts, a little fresh mint, the prawns and the cucumber, then season with salt and sugar and a teaspoon of sambal sauce (which can be bought commercially but is better if you make it yourself). Transfer the thoroughly mixed salad to the middle of the coconut shell that you kept aside and serve with a little grated coconut on top. Et voila, your Indonesian salad is ready!

The coconut is certainly very tasty and quite delicious, but it is equally calorific: so be careful with the portion size if you are dieting.
‘Valeriana’, lamb’s lettuce or setwall, derives its Italian name from the Latin verb meaning ‘worth’, thus its original meaning was "feeling good".

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