
poppy seeds

Poppy seeds are a real specialty of German cuisine, although in Italy they are also used for the preparation of baked goods: the region in which they are most widespread, precisely due to cultural affinity with their origin, is of Trentino Alto Adige. In some cases, then, poppy seeds can be used to prepare a special oil, just as they are used to prepare the set of spices that contribute to forming curry. Poppy seeds, it must be remembered, are particularly caloric due to their high fat and protein content.

Use in cooking

Italian cuisine usually uses poppy seeds in various preparations, such as for bread and the most delicious aperitifs.


To prevent them from oxidizing, poppy seeds should be stored in a hermetically sealed package, stored in a cool, dry and dark place.


Poppy seeds, beyond their use in the kitchen, are equally popular for dealing with stressful situations, thanks to omega 6, vitamin E and other important substances.

Recipe list