

Radishes are vegetables that are part of the Brassicaceae family: originating from the area between the eastern Mediterranean countries and western Asia, radishes were already cultivated in remote times, with some testimonies already accrediting them as a food appreciated in the Egyptian world. There are early and late varieties of radish: the first bears fruit about a month after sowing, while the second only begins to bear fruit after about two months. Generally, radishes are associated with the characteristic red color, although in nature there are also white ones, with a rounded or even elongated shape.

Use in cooking

Although radishes are certainly more famous for the preparation of salads or dips, in reality, they can be used to prepare first courses such as soups.


The ideal way to preserve radishes is to remove all the green parts and then place them in the refrigerator - without washing them - being careful to keep them in a bag, where they can last for more than five days.


Although not often emphasized, radishes are highly regarded for their beneficial effects on the liver and gallbladder.

Recipe list