

Soba resemble tagliatelle in their shape, although they are slightly less thick, and are made using buckwheat instead of durum wheat semolina. Soba are generally offered in the "kake soba" dish, where basically this buckwheat pasta is boiled and then served with a broth based on soy sauce, to which negi is also added. In Japan, soba are very popular and are practically offered in most public establishments, from the simplest and most basic ones, up to the most exclusive and refined ones: in all cases, it is customary to eat soba using chopsticks to the food.

Use in cooking

In Japanese cuisine, soba are essentially used to create tasty first courses, the seasonings of which vary depending on the gastronomic traditions of the individual prefectures.


The ideal preservation of soba is inside a hermetically sealed package, and placed in a cool, dry and dark place.


In the country of the Rising Sun, soba was already exploited during the Nara era, between 710 and 794: the aim was to combat possible famines.

Recipe list