
fresh pasta

Egg pasta is a truly historical recipe that has belonged to the Italian gastronomic tradition since ancient times, and more precisely, starting from Roman times, where lasagna represented a meal worthy of the celebration. In fact, starting from three simple and genuine ingredients such as eggs, flour and salt, a recipe was created whose preparation is relatively simple, but with a certain impact, especially when it comes to preparing some specialties for a particular occasion . Dishes of tagliatelle, lasagna or quality stuffed pasta undoubtedly represent the best expression of Italian gastronomic tradition.

Use in cooking

It is possible to use egg pasta to prepare a series of very tasty specialties, such as tortellini, tagliatelle and even the most famous and appreciated lasagna.


Egg pasta can be stored either in the refrigerator for a few days, or it can be frozen without any problem, keeping it for more than a month.


Egg pasta is an ancient specialty: traces of the preparation, for example, of pasta for lasagna, can already be found in Roman times.

Recipe list