
green olives

Olives are the fruits of the plant of the same name, and differ from each other essentially by their colour, which varies depending on the level of ripeness reached between yellow, in the early stages, green and, finally, black. Green olives, in this regard, are particularly characterized by their relatively high sodium content, to which is also added the presence of a modest quantity of vitamins: this type of olives often finds space in aperitifs, or again, they are ideal for preparing excellent and tasty focaccias, and before they can be consumed, they must be treated in brine to reduce the degree of bitterness given by the polyphenols.

Use in cooking

Green olives often have a prominent place when preparing delicious aperitifs, as in the case of giant green olives for Ascolana olives, or even in the preparation of different types of focaccia.


Olives can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container: alternatively, you can also pickle them or even salt them.


Although they may seem like another variety, in reality, green olives are nothing more than common olives in the medium stage of ripeness.

Recipe list