
lemon juice

Starting from one of the most precious citrus fruits, the lemon, a juice is obtained which has a large number of virtues, starting from the digestive ones, then moving on to the antiseptic ones: but this extraordinary product of nature is not limited only to these two properties In fact, lemon juice is also precious when it comes to flavoring tea, or a seafood dish or, why not, a good cake or homemade desserts. Rich in vitamin C, but also A and B, as well as a large number of minerals and sucrose, glucose and fructose, lemon juice is a real panacea.

Use in cooking

There are many contexts in the kitchen in which it is possible to use lemon juice: it can be sprayed in the form of a few drops on seafood to "purify" it, just as it can be used in the preparation of desserts, as well as for seasoning. meat and also in combination with some fruits, such as strawberries.


Lemon juice can be stored both in the refrigerator for up to 4 days and in the freezer for up to 4 months.


Lemon juice is used by many people to brush their teeth on a weekly basis, to keep them shinier and cleaner.

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