

Lentils are highly appreciated for their high content of important nutritional elements, first of all, iron: these legumes are part of the family of annual herbs, and their origin is found in none other than the Asian continent - more precisely in the to the south-west of the same - although they then also spread to the Mediterranean, acclimatising and becoming very common. Inside the lentil pods, there are generally about two or three round and flat seeds, characterized by a light color which, depending on the variety, can even tend towards black.

Use in cooking

There are many preparations in which lentils can be used: first of all, these legumes are cooked together with meat during the Christmas and New Year holidays, as well as in legume-based soups.


Dried lentils can be stored without problems inside a tightly closed package even for months.


Cooking lentils must generally take place in terracotta, steel or cast iron pans or bowls, since in the case of aluminium, they would become stained black.

Recipe list