

The spinach plant, whose famous leaves are harvested, is native to the Middle East and, more precisely, according to several historians its origin is to be found in Persia, from where it was then brought to Europe by the Arabs. There are different varieties of the spinach plant, among which the most famous are the following: the virofly, characterized by opaque leaves; the blackbird, whose leaves are folded; the matador, which is typical of the spring period; the rich one of Castelnuovo, with its typical thick leaves; and, finally, the winter giant, famous for its large leaves. Spinach can be cooked in many different ways, being an ingredient particularly chosen for preparing omelettes, soups, stuffed pasta and, again, many other delicious recipes.

Use in cooking

It is not difficult to find preparations based on spinach in the kitchen: in fact, the latter can also be eaten raw, although they are more present in dishes such as soups, stuffed pasta, omelettes or salads.


If fresh, spinach can remain in the fridge for a couple of days: alternatively, after cooking it, you can store it in the freezer in a freezer bag.


Despite being a vegetable emblem of health and well-being, spinach is not suitable for those who suffer from arthritis, due to the high content of oxalic acid.

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