

Although turmeric is best known for its use in food seasoning, often in combination with another much loved and popular spice such as curry, particularly in meat-based dishes of tropical cuisines, in reality, the latter it is also used to give an extra touch of flavor to desserts, as happens for example in Malaysian cuisine with pineapple. Turmeric is widely used to combat a series of digestive disorders and, in addition to this, it is used for testing treatments against degenerative diseases.

Use in cooking

The use of turmeric in the kitchen is not only limited to seasoning foods, given its pleasant flavour, as it is also used to color some foods.


As with most spices, turmeric should also be stored in a cool, dry and dark place.


According to an ancient tradition that currently survives only in some Indian regions, it is customary to hang a turmeric root around the neck of a future bride.

Recipe list