Vegetables, ginger and anacards savory pie

Cooking is a craft that combines different ingredients and one of them is fantasy! Give your dishes your personal touch and surprise your guests with something really special. Here, the combination between crunchy anacards and spicy ginger makes the pie even more appetizing.


45 minutes Total time
15 minutes Active time
Serves 4 persons
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Cube your vegetables. Peel off the mango and cut it in dices too. In a non stick pan, sautèe the vegetables with a dash of oil, add a pinch of curcuma and a generous spoon of grated ginger. Pour some drops of water and wait some minutes. In the meanwhile, toast the anacards in a small pan. Mince coarsley the anacards and add them to the vegetables. Add the mango dices too. Portion the puff pastry into squares and arrange them on a baking tray. Place a spoon of stuffing on the pasrty, and repeat it again. You will obtain two layers of vegetables. Cook at 180° for 15 minutes.

You can decide whether to add more or less ginger to your recipe according to your tastes; moreover, you can decide to add the ginger before cooking or to sprinkle it on the pies after cooking.
The anacards are rich in monounsaturated fats, which are good to reduce cholesterol.

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