
salted capers

The caper shrub has been famous since ancient times throughout the Mediterranean and, in particular, found the ideal place in which to spread on the island of Pantelleria, making this Italian-produced caper very famous and coveted. What is eaten from this shrub, although often mistakenly believed to be the fruit, is in reality nothing more than the flower bud of the caper itself. The spread of the caper in cuisine began mainly in Sicily, although this famous ingredient later found space in pasta-based first courses and fish and meat-based second courses practically throughout the national territory.

Use in cooking

The particularity of salted capers is to be found precisely in their markedly saltier taste: after having rinsed them or left them in water for some time, or even washed with vinegar, they lend themselves to the preparation of delicious first courses, such as example, the famous pasta alla puttanesca.


Salted capers can be stored without too many problems in a dry and dark place.


The most famous caper is certainly that of Pantelleria, which was already mentioned during the Greek and Roman civilizations by authors such as Pliny and Dioscorides.

Recipe list