
coconut flour

Although when speaking of coconut flour one might initially think of a floury type product, in reality, the latter is not actually the result of crushing the coconut pulp, but rather, it is the result of a process in which the nut it is first dried and then the pulp is grated to obtain very fine flakes which are perfect for giving an extra touch of elegance to refined desserts. In addition to this use, in reality, coconut flour is used in the preparation of meat-based dishes, particularly typical of oriental cuisine: famous, for example, is its use for the preparation of chicken curry.

Use in cooking

Coconut flour is not only used to prepare various types of desserts and cakes, where it acts as a garnish, but is also perfect for some meat-based dishes.


The conservation of coconut flour generally takes place inside an airtight container, which, in turn, is placed in a cool, dry and dark environment.


Among flours, coconut flour stands out particularly for its low concentration of fat: this is generally obtained by shredding the coconut pulp.

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