

Aubergine is a low-nutrient vegetable and perfect for most light diets, which require foods that are not very rich in fats and proteins, but which at the same time are rich in water, vitamins A and C. In nature, there are different varieties, among which, the following are the most widespread: the black beauty, giant New York white, large morada, precocious barbentane, Naples violet, oval white and pale violet, long violet and dwarf violet. The aubergine can be enjoyed as an aperitif, or it can be used as an ingredient for pasta dishes or, again, single dishes and side dishes for second courses, particularly during the summer.

Use in cooking

Aubergines are perfect vegetables for preparing various types of dishes, starting from cold appetizers, side dishes and many recipes for first courses (particularly pasta) and delicious and fresh second courses.


The conservation of aubergines can take place in cool places, with a temperature around 10 degrees, and limited relative humidity.


Aubergine is a vegetable not very rich in fats, sugars and proteins, while it is rich in vitamins A and C, water and trace minerals.

Recipe list