Italian omelette with aubergine, smoked cheese and tomato

Within our website are hidden some truly remarkable specialties, perfect to serve to your gourmet friends, or even your gourmet relatives – anybody, in fact, who you really want to seduce with a delicious meal. And how could they resist when presented with our Italian omelette with aubergine, smoked cheese and tomato? It’s full of good things, ideal for a healthy and nutritious lunch. The combination of aubergine and scamorza smoked cheese is in particular a winner, and even more so if topped off with a generous sprinkling of parmesan cheese. To finish it off we have added a little fresh tomato that, even if it’s not summer, helps to give it some colour and flavour. Let us know if you like it! Please note that this recipe, as it contains neither fish nor meat, is excellent for vegetarians but not for vegans on account of the eggs and cheese.


120 minutes Total time
35 minutes Active time
Serves 6 persons
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Cut the aubergine into thick slices, lightly salt them and leave them in a colander until they lose some of their bitter moisture. After an hour, cook under a hot grill and then set aside. Once cold, cut into cubes and, if necessary, adjust for salt once more. Take the tomatoes and blanch them in water for 10 seconds. Peel and remove their seeds, then cut them into small cubes. Now also dice the scamorza smoked cheese. Break the eggs into a bowl, beat vigorously, and add the Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper and parsley. Then add the aubergine, tomato and cheese. Mix everything well, then transfer the mixture into a baking tin lined with baking parchment. Bake at 200°C for 35 minutes. Serve lukewarm.

You might wish to try making this Italian aubergine omelette with - depending on your preferences - a nice smoked scamorza cheese made from cow's milk or even one made from buffalo milk.
The tomato is a very common vegetable in Europe, with its use depending on the particular culinary tradition involved. The spread of the tomato across Europe, however, is due to the Spanish royal house and Christopher Columbus, who brought it back with him on his return from America.

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