

The kiwi is a fruit known above all in its variety with green pulp: in reality, however, in recent times yellow kiwis have also become widespread, certainly rarer but equally noteworthy. Although many people think that citrus fruits coincide with the ideal fruit in terms of vitamin C intake, in reality, kiwi is even richer in the latter, in a proportion that almost doubles. Kiwis are also rich in elements such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and, finally, iron: from the same, it is also possible to obtain a precious juice, whose flavor is particularly sweet.

Use in cooking

Kiwi can be used both to prepare tasty desserts, such as fruit salad, as well as thirst-quenching and digestive sorbets, as well as to make meat and fish dishes even tastier.


Depending on the degree of ripeness, kiwis can be stored in the fridge for about a week (when fully ripe) or at room temperature, when still unripe.


Among the different varieties of kiwi, one introduced in recent years stands out for its yellow pulp.

Recipe list