

Among the fruits of the garden, the pumpkin reaches maturity during the month of September, and it is not unusual to find it accompanying grapes and products from the harvest period. Pumpkin can be eaten in different ways, starting from its pulp, without neglecting its seeds, the latter generally toasted and eaten as an aperitif. The origin of the pumpkin is to be found in America and its arrival in Europe is due to the Spanish colonists. Pumpkin is suitable for the preparation of many recipes, and in particular, first courses based on rice and pasta or, again, fish second courses.

Use in cooking

Pumpkin can be used to prepare soups, savory pies, risottos, pastas, salads or even fish-based second courses.


Pumpkin can be kept for a few days in the fridge, in the vegetable drawer or, alternatively, it can be frozen in pieces in freezer bags. It must be cooked while still frozen, otherwise it will lose all its water.


The word pumpkin derives from the Latin term cocutia, whose original meaning was precisely that of head.

Recipe list