Pumpkin and porcini mushroom lasagna

When autumn approaches, you might occasionally crave a dish based on a lovely pumpkin sauce, maybe with some porcini mushrooms: to make it quickly, the perfect solution is to combine a ready-made pumpkin sauce with fresh lasagne, porcini mushrooms and smoked cheese. A lovely autumn combination, perfectly rich, tasty and satisfying. If you can, try to find a good quality ready-made sauce.


60 minutes Total time
40 minutes Active time
Serves 6 persons
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Soak the porcini mushrooms in warm water and thinly slice the smoked cheese. Smear the bottom of a baking dish with a little bechamel sauce, then add a layer of the lasagna sheets. For this recipe we have used a ready-made pumpkin sauce, however you could also make your own sauce by thinly slicing the pumpkin and cooking it in the oven for 30 minutes at 200°C. Then all you you have to do is mash the squash with a fork and season with salt. Spread a thin layer of the pumpkin sauce over the pasta and arrange a few slices of smoked cheese on top, then a sprinkling of parmesan and a little bit of bechamel. Continue layering with the remaining lasagne, pumpkin and the porcini mushrooms. Keep going until all ingredients are used. Finish with some bechamel sauce and a sprinkling of parmesan. Bake for 40 minutes at 200°C.

Avoid recipes that suggest a combination of pumpkin and gorgonzola cheese: the strong flavour of the gorgonzola would dominate the delicate taste of the pumpkin.
Did you know that there are at least twenty varieties of edible pumpkin? The best-known is perhaps that from the province of Mantua. There are also many non-edible pumpkins, usually used for ornamental purposes.

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