Homemade bread

The smell of freshly baked bread is one of the most intoxicating and delicious that there is. It is an almost ancestral aroma which reminds us all, in some way or another, of our childhood and perhaps of summer holidays spent with our grandparents. Have you ever considered making bread yourself, with all the goodness of homemade baking, so as to spread this extraordinary fragrance throughout your home in the early hours of the morning, and waking your family with the pleasure of the scent of fresh bread? We wish to show you how to create this wonderful aroma, with some variations which use potatoes, pumpkin or even rye flour, thereby offering something for everyone and satisfying all your guests.


  • "00" flour 250 grams
  • "00" flour 250 grams
  • potatoes 150 grams Boiled
  • pumpkin 150 grams Steamed
  • salt
  • yeast 22 grams ¼ of a cube for each bread
  • waterfall 350 millilitres
  • sugar
30 minutes Total time
35 minutes Active time
Serves 4 persons
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For the potato bread: combine the mashed potatoes with 250g of flour and a little salt. Dissolve 1/4 cube of yeast in 100ml of water with a little sugar. Combine the water and yeast to the flour and potatoes and knead until you have a smooth dough. Let it rise for an hour or more. For pumpkin bread, follow the same procedure as for potatoes, only replace the potatoes with pumpkin. For rye bread combine the rye flour with grains of rye and 150ml of water with dissolved yeast and a little salt. Knead until the dough is smooth and let it rise. Mould the breads into various shapes and let them rise once again on a baking tray. Bake at 240°C C for 35 minutes.

To prepare proper, top quality bread, you must keep to the preparation times: the rise of the initial dough takes about 14 hours, whilst that of the second dough should be about twenty minutes, with a dough that is no longer ‘tacky’.
One of the most common mistakes that people commit when making homemade bread is to use water at high temperatures, so bear in mind that the correct temperature to dissolve yeast is 25 degrees Celsius.

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