
sunflower oil

Sunflower seed oil, although like many other seed oils does not enjoy a very positive reputation, is still healthy for the human body: in particular, this oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, of which the one that stands out on the others it is linoleic acid, which has an active role in protecting against the risks deriving from cholesterol. Nonetheless, with too frequent and abundant use, sunflower seed oil - due to the aforementioned linoleic acid - could have negative effects on the liver. In the kitchen, great care should be taken when it is used other than for cold dressing of vegetables and salads: for frying, for example, it is not particularly suitable due to its less than excellent resistance to high temperatures.

Use in cooking

Although extra virgin olive oil is more widespread in our country, sunflower seed oil is also used to dress salads, vegetables of various types and, finally, for frying, although it would be better to prefer corn oil.


There is no better way to store sunflower seed oil than storing it in a cool, dry and dark place.


Although its main use is in the food sector, sunflower seed oil is also ideal for treating hair and nails.

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