Fruit smoothie

Summer is finally coming, and now is the time to add to your repertoire a recipe for cold drinks which quench your thirst in the best possible way. So, how could you resist a fresh and tasty smoothie made with seasonal fruit? Today’s offering is perfect as an adult’s breakfast, for anybody who’s on a diet or just feels like something light, but also as a child's snack when they are struggling to eat fruit normally. It’s quick and easy to make - for example, when there are guests in your house and you have very little time; however, it is also very healthy. To make your smoothie you will need only a few ingredients such as milk and fresh fruit - even better if they are in season - such as bananas, strawberries, apricots, peaches and melon. Are you ready to follow our recipe and make your tasty and healthy fruit smoothie?


5 minutes Total time
Serves 2 persons
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Take the fruit you are going to use and wash it. Peel the banana and cut it into small pieces. Peel the peaches and apricots and cut them into pieces. Cut three slices of melon, remove the peel and chop them into small pieces. Finally, chop the strawberries. Put all the fruit in the blender, add the milk and blitz. Pour into glasses and decorate with a strawberry.

If you wish, you can substitute a quantity of orange juice for the same of milk and add a tablespoon of honey for a touch more indulgence.
In the past, the young leaves of strawberries were used as a substitute for tea.

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