

Although many consider it a cheese, in reality, ricotta is a secondary product obtained - precisely - from the second cooking of the whey released by pecorino and caciotte, which takes place at around 90 degrees of temperature. Of ricotta, there are many different individual regional variations, including Calabrian, Sicilian, Sardinian, Piedmontese and Roman, each of which is mainly characterized by being more salty, spicy or baked.

Use in cooking

Ricotta can be consumed fresh, as it is used to prepare first and second courses, without neglecting savory pies.


To preserve the ricotta well, it is necessary to place it inside a strainer, covering the upper part with cling film, placing everything in a container: in this way, the whey will not affect the ricotta making it yellow.


Ricotta, as its name of Latin origin suggests - recoctus, is a cheese that is produced from the processing of pecorino and caciotta.

Recipe list