Beef stew in red wine

There are plenty of rich culinary traditions in the regions of Italy, and because of their historical and cultural value it’s rewarding to rediscover those forthright flavours that only the best ingredients can give. Amongst the main courses of Italian cuisine, in fact, hide treasures that over the centuries have helped make the Italian food heritage what it is. Here we offer up a typical mountain dish best eaten with polenta: beef stew in red wine, a delicacy whose preparation might seem to be complex but in fact it is important simply to have patience. Cooking stew in red wine takes a long time and, in addition, you must not underestimate the time it takes to marinade the meat. Not in a hurry today? Then immerse yourself in our recipe, lay the table with care - and lick your chops!


120 minutes Total time
90 minutes Active time
Serves 2 persons
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Salt some pieces of stewing beef, dice the carrots and onion and add everything to the red wine to marinate for a few hours in the fridge. Drain the beef and vegetables of wine (keeping the wine to one side) and fry for a few minutes in a saucepan, then add the wine marinade once again and cook for 1½ hours over low heat. Serve with polenta.

Do you want to make a sensational stew in red wine? Don’t skimp on the wine - choose one from Piedmont, such as a Barbera.
Red wine stew, according to many culinary experts, has its origins in the German gastronomic tradition.

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