Spaghettini with bluefish and ’crazy water’ sauce

Seafood recipes are always the best choice when you want to provide a light and nutritious meal to impress guests who love eating flavoursome food without compromising their diet and wish to stay in shape. Italian cuisine is rich in dishes that are perfect for maintaining this balance, that don’t require any denial of all the great flavours that distinguish its gastronomy. That’s why today we suggest pasta with lots of bluefish and a ‘crazy water’ sauce. Bluefish is perhaps not among the most well-known fish species, with a distinctive taste similar to that of sea bass, although the two fish are nevertheless somewhat different. Are you ready to be inspired by our culinary suggestion, and serve a traditional Mediterranean dish that really hits the mark?


  • fish 500 grams Of your choice, we have used bluefish
  • spaghetti 250 grams
  • cherry tomatoes 100 grams
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • extra virgin olive oil To taste
  • White wine A quarter of a glass of white wine
  • waterfall Half a glass of water
  • salt
  • pepper
30 minutes Total time
30 minutes Active time
Serves 2 persons
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Take a pan with high sides, and add the oil and the garlic. Sauté. Add the halved tomatoes and the white wine. Let the wine reduce, then add the water. When everything is simmering, add the fish with its skin still on. Move it around from time to time. When it is cooked, remove from the pan, take off its skin and divide into fillets. Let the sauce reduce and thicken until it’s just the correct consistency. Season with salt and pepper. Separately, cook the pasta in salted water. Drain and mix with the ‘crazy water’ sauce. Serve with the fish fillets and fresh parsley.

The bluefish is used in some marinade recipes as a replacement for bass because it is slightly "drier" compared to the latter.
It seems that the historic recipe for ‘crazy water’ sauce was invented on none other than the island of Ponza in the region of Lazio.

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