Trofie pasta with sausage and pepper sauce

Today I’d like to suggest a fresh pasta dish with sausage and pepper sauce, a rich combination of flavours which is universally loved and enjoyed. To make this recipe we used three peppers of different colours in order to get a dish that, in addition to being delicious, it is also nice-looking: colourful, cheerful and lively! In addition, this dish is a real meal in itself because it contains carbohydrates in the pasta, protein in the sausage meat, and large quantities of vitamin C in the peppers. Do try this recipe for trofie pasta with peppers and sausage meat sauce, and let me know what you think! If you fancy it, you can add extra flavour with a good sprinkling of parmesan cheese, or you could serve it with a sprinkling of parsley and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.


  • trofie 500 grams
  • peppers 3 sweet peppers of various colours
  • sausages 200 grams
  • parsley A little bunch of fresh parsley
  • White wine Half a glass of white wine
  • salt
  • pepper
  • grain 30 grams
  • garlic 1 clove
  • extra virgin olive oil
20 minutes Total time
20 minutes Active time
Serves 4 persons
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Put the whole garlic clove in to brown gently with a trickle of olive oil. Remove the sausage meat from its casing and add it to the pan crumbled up. Let it brown. Add some white wine and reduce. Cut the peppers into small cubes and add to the pan. Continue cooking over a high flame, so that the peppers remain slightly crunchy (but not raw). Adjust the salt and pepper. Finely chop the parsley. Cook the trofie pasta in boiling salted water. Mix with the sauce and add the parsley and Parmesan. Mix well once again and serve hot.

In making this recipe, we give you two pieces of advice: the first is to remove the sausage from its casing before frying. Don’t chop it up in the pan with its skin, but remove it and crumble the sausage beforehand. The outcome will be much better! The second piece of advice is, if you have time, to roast the peppers and peel them before continuing with the recipe. The result will be better still!
Did you know that trofie is a typical pasta shape from Liguria and, in particular, the town of Sori in the province of Genoa? Their name seems to derive from the Genoese dialect word "strufuggià", which means to rub, recalling the hand movement you make to roll the pasta dough for the trofie themselves. But this is not the only etymological explanation: it may also arise from the verb ‘torcere’, to twist, or even come from the Greek ‘trophe’ which means ‘nourishment’.

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