

The success in the diffusion of pork is essentially due to the fact that it is very simple to preserve: pork can in fact be found in cured meats, pancetta, sausages and also other types of cuts. In the history of human nutrition, this animal was one of the first to be domesticated and, moreover, it is characterized by a very interesting peculiarity, namely, the possibility of exploiting every single part of it, so much so that pork cannot be throw away anything, starting from the bristles used for brushes and brushes, through to the feet and blood, the latter also perfect for preparing the famous cracklings.

Use in cooking

It is not difficult to find various dishes of the Italian culinary tradition in which pork is present and dominates: starting from the pasta-based first courses in which it is used, passing through the grilled, baked, boiled or fried second courses, pork is the true king of the table.


Depending on the level of freshness, pork can be stored for a few days in the refrigerator, or for a period of a couple of months in the freezer.


Pork meat has enjoyed considerable popularity over the centuries thanks also to the simplicity with which it can be preserved.
This ingredient also provides recipes with pork fillet, pork loin, pork rind, pork marrow, pork chops e pork loin.

Recipe list