Steamed pork buns

These steamed pork buns are a really tasty main course, full of flavour and yet light, to serve as an alternative to a more common meat dish. Their inspiration is vaguely Oriental: soy sauce is in the filling and you may also use it to dress these delicious steamed buns. The filling contains, in addition to pork, some leek and onion, and if you want you could also add a little carrot or cabbage: their oriental character will remain unchanged and yet you will get a slightly more substantial bun. As an accompaniment, if you are making a truly eastern feast, you might also make some momos, or ravioli, also steamed, and a lovely side dish of bean sprouts or steamed cabbage. Take inspiration from dishes that you have tried and enjoyed whilst abroad to make a fusion lunch or dinner! You will delight your guests!


180 minutes Total time
25 minutes Active time
Serves 4 persons
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Add the flour, baking powder, a tablespoon of sugar and a cup of hot water. Knead the dough and let it rest for about two hours in a warm place to rise. In a bowl mix the pork, leek and chopped onion, two teaspoons of sugar, a tablespoon of soy sauce, a teaspoon of sesame oil and a pinch of salt. Marinate for an hour, then fry in oil and let it cool. Resume kneading the dough, shaping it into a sausage and then cutting out 8 discs about 3cm thick. Flatten each disc with a spoon and fill it with the pork mixture. Brush each ball with oil, sprinkle with sesame seeds and cook in steam for 25 minutes. Serve hot.

If you find it hard to digest onion, leave it in some milk for half an hour before using: it will become sweeter and more delicate, and above all much more digestible.
In China there is a dish similar to this one called Gwa-bao, and is also a ‘bun’ filled with pork. The difference is that the pork in this case is not steamed but rather fried. The Gwa-bao are "cousins" of Mantou, common steamed dumplings and meat, which are also very popular in China.

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