Livorno mullet

Livorno mullet is a classic Tuscan recipe, but enjoyed almost everywhere in Italy. No one could resist such a flavoursome dish: the taste of the meat – delicate and yet robust at the same time - combined with the unique fragrance of the special tomato sauce, means this way of cooking mullet is loved by everyone, including children. Obviously, if you have kids, you'll have to cut it into small pieces and be careful to remove all the bones and thoroughly clean the fish before letting them tuck in.


  • mullets 8 fresh mullet of about 100/150g each
  • tomatoes 500 grams ripe
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • parsley
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper
30 minutes Total time
15 minutes Active time
Serves 3 persons
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Scale the mullet and remove the fins (not the tail), wash and dry well. Finely chop the garlic and parsley and brown them in a pan with 8 tablespoons of oil. Before the garlic takes on any brown colouring, add the tinned chopped tomatoes and salt and pepper to taste. Cook for 5 minutes, then add the mullet and cook for a further ten minutes without moving the pan. Serve warm.

Mullet should be cleaned, and above all de-scaled, very thoroughly: you should get your trusted fishmonger to do this because, being very delicate fish, they can easily fall apart.
Mullet is not a widely available fish and it is therefore hard to find a good specimen at a low price.

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