Potatoes and beetroot salad

Each season is made unique by the fruit and vegetables that the land gives us, and no matter if we love spring and summer because the autumn and winter can also surprise us with its produce. So today we have decided to give you a little inspiration so as to invigorate and give a bit more life to the excellent vegetables available in the colder months. A lovely salad of potatoes and beetroot is among the nicest things you can enjoy during the winter: the cooked vegetables give it an unusual taste, especially if it is combined with something pleasant like roast meat, chicken or chicken broth. White meat is in fact one of the best partners for our potato and beetroot salad. Are you ready to be inspired by our recipe which brings you the traditional flavours of Veneto and Friuli?


40 minutes Total time
30 minutes Active time
Serves 5 persons
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Boil the beetroot and the potatoes in their skins, until they are soft. Wait for them to cool a bit and then peel them. Cut them into slices and mix them in a bowl. Make a vinaigrette by combining equal parts of vinegar and oil to taste and pour over the potatoes and beetroot, then add salt. Chop the parsley and add it to the bowl. Mix everything together and serve cold.

Our recipe for potato and beetroot salad works very well as a combination, and is also most suitable for children.
Today's recipe takes you on a tour of the specialties of two Italian regions that have given a significant contribution to Italy’s national food heritage: the Veneto and Friuli.

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