Risotto with cuttlefish ink

Cuttlefish ink is famously the dark liquid contained in the glands of cuttlefish; it also has a very important role in the kitchen, not only as a colouring but also as a means of giving character and flavour to fish dishes. In addition to cuttlefish ink, the ink from octopus and squid are used to create equally tasty, specialist dishes. In Venice they make a famous cuttlefish stew, always using ink, and invariably served with polenta. Don’t be intimidated by the unusual colour of this dish - if you're in the area, go to a good restaurant and order some straightaway: you will immediately become a big fan! Are you at home? Experts in etiquette suggest that you avoid serving anything made with cuttlefish or squid ink when you have guests .... the possibility of your guests trying to make conversation with their mouths smeared black should be avoided at all costs! But why should you deprive yourself of the same pleasure? This risotto makes my mouth water just looking at it!


30 minutes Total time
20 minutes Active time
Serves 1 person
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Thoroughly clean the cuttlefish by removing eyes, beak, innards and skin. Set aside the tentacles and cut the rest into thin slices. Fry the cut cuttlefish with a little onion and oil and then cook it with a few ladles of fish stock and some parsley for twenty minutes. Then add the rice and stir, add a dash of white wine and, when it has evaporated, add more fish stock to cover the rice. Gradually add hot stock, pouring on another ladleful only when the previous one has evaporated. Before serving, mix the rice together with the remaining parsley. Serve with the cooked tentacles arranged over the rice.

If you want to add even more flavour and character to this risotto, add a teaspoon (no more) of tomato puree!
Once cuttlefish ink was used not only in cooking, but also as writing ink.

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