

Autumn is the season of dry leaves and the first cold weather, but that doesn't mean nature doesn't offer us amazing ingredients to use and savor in the kitchen. Among these, we certainly highlight mushrooms, chestnuts, olives, but also pumpkin, and then the irresistible pears, perfect for creating sensational desserts, and the first very fragrant citrus fruits. With citrus fruits you can make not only many delicious desserts, but also first courses, such as orange risotto, or second courses based on both meat and fish, such as duck with orange. But the autumn recipes don't end here: let's think of a good chicken passatelli, or chicken with potatoes, crepe tagliatelle with mushrooms and bacon, Roman saltimbocca. Autumn is also the period in which, thanks to the first fresh air, we crave chocolate desserts, such as Kinder fetta milk cakes or Kinder paradise. Still on the subject of sweets, autumn is also the season of dried fruit, so why not prepare a nice almond cake?

season ingredients
