

Ginger is a plant native to Eastern Asia, of which the famous rhizome is used, characterized by its lumpy shape and color tending towards beige: the latter enriches desserts with a slightly spicy taste and a unique scent, starting from famous biscuits and cakes, to then move on to first courses belonging to the culinary tradition of other countries. With ginger you can then prepare pleasant and refreshing drinks, perfect to enjoy especially during the hot season, as well as refined cocktails.

Use in cooking

Ginger is used both fresh, as well as in the form of leaves, shoots and also sprinkled on preparations.


Ginger can be stored in the vegetable drawer of the fridge, wrapped in cling film and then placed inside a freezer bag.


Ginger has been cultivated with the aim of obtaining a medicinal plant since ancient times, when it was used as a tonic.

Recipe list