Hot chocolate

Amongst all the drinks which you might think of as a delicious and energising winter beverage, we definitely prefer hot chocolate. This delicious drink, enjoyed by children too, comes in its basic form as powdered cocoa or chocolate, to which you add milk and sugar, and is perfect to drink during the winter, especially on the coldest days. Hot chocolate may be served simply as described here or it could be made even more indulgent with the addition of whipped cream. Either way, there are many variations of the basic recipe, such as those that include coffee, coconut and caramel. Today we suggest the classic version, delicious and just perfect for pampering yourself and, possibly, soothing your mental stress! Learn how to make it with us, using the photo gallery, and let’s say goodbye to the packets of hot chocolate you buy at the supermarket!


20 minutes Total time
10 minutes Active time
Serves 1 person
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Combine the cocoa, sugar and cornflour and stir well so that there are no lumps. Add a pinch of cinnamon, ground ginger and chilli. Heat the milk in the microwave for 2 minutes, and then add a dash to the dry mixture. Stir well with a whisk until you have a dark brown paste. Keep adding milk a bit at a time, stirring all the time to make sure there are no more lumps; finish adding all the milk in this way, stirring. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and add a little coarsely ground almonds. Put on a low heat and stir constantly until it comes to the boil. Continue to stir and simmer for 10 minutes, by which time the cocoa and cornflour will be completely cooked. Serve, adding a little of the coarsely chopped almonds.

If you are making hot chocolate for children, don’t add the cinnamon, ginger and chilli which they may not like. Another tip: hot chocolate, just like risotto, should be stirred all the time! Use a wooden spoon and have patience. This will prevent the formation of lumps and you will also ensure that the chocolate does not stick to the bottom of the pan. It will be worthwhile! Finally, we suggest you make your hot chocolate even more delicious with the addition of whipped cream and, perhaps, some sprinklings of dark chocolate on the top.
It seems that among the first to make hot chocolate were the ancient populations of Central America that mixed their native beans with hot chocolate. Chocolate is rich in antioxidants, it helps regulate vascular tone and also has a cardio-protective effect, whilst also improving skin hydration.

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