Pesto quiche with baby tomatoes and pine nuts

Who says that when using famous ingredients from dishes known across the world, you can’t create some interesting reinterpretations, and in doing so pleasurably reproduce the magic of specialties from other countries? Well then, how about this unusual combination based on pesto sauce, which will use not with the more usual pasta but rather as part of a delicious quiche: can you imagine anything more original than a quiche filled with the famous Genoese specialty? And what makes this recipe even more interesting and creative is the use of nicely toasted pine nuts and tasty, fresh tomatoes. The result is a creation that truly displays the best of the Mediterranean culinary tradition. Would you like find out how many seconds it will take for your quiche to disappear from your dining table, once offered to your guests? Be prepared to make some more: it will be finished in no time!


45 minutes Total time
30 minutes Active time
Serves 4 persons
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Roll out the pastry into a flan tin and prick it with a fork. Break the eggs into a bowl and beat them with a pinch of salt. Add the milk, cream and parmesan. Season with some salt and add the pesto. Mix well, then pour the mixture over the pastry. Complete with a sprinkling of washed and de-seeded baby tomatoes, and a generous handful of toasted pine nuts. Bake at 180°C for half an hour.

To make a quiche that is balanced and tasty, you should buy some top quality baby tomatoes which go really well with the pine nuts and pesto.
To make your pesto sauce, you have to pay particular attention to one thing: the time taken. The less you work the pesto, and the more you will keep it intact.

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